
People employed by the following employers are members of the insurance fund:

  • The City of Tampere
  • Tampereen Energia Oy
  • Tampereen Energia Sähköverkko Oy
  • Tampereen Vera Oy
  • Tampere-talo Oy
  • Tampereen Palvekuinteistöt Oy
  • Tredu-Kiinteistöt Oy
  • Tampereen Tilapalvelut Oy
  • Tampereen Infra Oy
  • Pirkanmaan Voimia Oy
  • Finnpark Oy
  • Finnpark Kiinteistö Management Oy
  • Finnpark Pysäköinti Oy
  • Tampereen kaupunkikonsernin vakuutuskassa (the Tampere city group insurance fund)
  • The mayor and deputy mayors of the city of Tampere

Membership begins

  • Immediately on your first day of work, if your employment is permanent or if it is a fixed-term contract that lasts more than six months
  • From the beginning of the seventh calendar month, if your employment has continued for exactly six months or for periods of less than six months. In this case, there must not be a break of more than three calendar days between contracts.
  • Your working hours must be at least 50% of the standard full-time working hours in the field

The right to additional benefits starts immediately on the first day of membership.

Membership fees

Your membership fee is 0.5%. Your employer will collect the membership fee for you.

Kela card

As a member of the insurance fund, you will receive a new Kela card with “työpaikkakassa 33009” marked on the back.

Membership termination

Your membership ends when your employment relationship ends or your working hours change to less than 50%.